Sunday 29 November 2009


Yay, yay and thrice YAY!! I did it - I bloody well did it (again, for the 2nd year running so that means 2008 wasn't a fluke - Yay oh Yay!) See?  Look there - The Office of Letters and Light don't give out this prestigious accolade to just Anybody you know - you have to be a Winner!  You have to have written on average 1,670 words per day - which makes a grand total of 50,000 - and ten if you want to be precise - words in one month.  One month!
And I did it against some unpleasant odds.
(Cue Richard Chamberlain and Rachel Ward getting steamy on a beach.. if memory serves...)
The Open Evening.  Mayhem and Madness and utter idiocy in the lead up to every November 3rd (or thereabouts) and overtime a-plenty.
The head-on collision on the 6th.  'Nuff said.
The Girl's Sixteenth - a party for 17 hormonally ravaged teenagers with whiplash (that's mine - not theirs).
The realisation that I won't have a paid job come 2013.
And of course there was still the house to keep clean (yeah right) and the meals to prepare (ditto) and the shaky job to turn up at - but I did it.
And the feeling when that Winner's icon came flashing up big and bold on my screen once my word count was checked and verified was almost as exciting as the fact that I now have another Teenage book almost written and I did it in 4 weeks!
NaNo, I love you and I hate you and youalways make me cry - one way or the other.
Same time again next year then, yeah?

Oh, and congratulations also to fellow writer friends, Keris and Jacqui who've also passed the finish line.


Jacqueline Christodoulou-Ward said...

Wow Debs it's usually me posting about 'juggling' but you take the prize for nano against the odds this year!
I have to say I did find it quite difficult this year with a big dip in the middle. Now the ending doesn't match the detail in the first half of the book but it's all editable!

Deb said...

Well done, girls!

Michele said...

Congratulations! I never doubted you for a second, Debs! I knew you could do it. Enjoy your success!

Debs Riccio said...

Thanks girls *takes a bow* (but not in a smug way)((much)):}

Keris Stainton said...

Yay! Well done! And you too, Jacqui! :)