Tuesday 19 January 2010

Normal Service Will Be Resumed...

There’s a common conception amongst writers that there’s really no such thing as ‘writer’s block’. And it’s true. There isn’t. Look at this for proof. I’m writing. I’m just not writing what I oughta be. That’s the difference. Today I’ve written a mini-shopping list, a letter excusing the Girl from PE and a couple of comments on a couple of sites (not even Facebook, miraculously).
I’ve written stuff in my head in the bathroom – where ideas scream nearly as vociferously as the shower blast competing with the extractor fan at 6.45 in the morning – and I’ve written scenes in my head whilst at the very not-rocket-science paid job. Oh, I’ve also written two text messages and praised myself for remaining within the character limits for a one-pager whilst spelling everything correctly and using perfect punctuation and grammar to shame Stephen Fry. It’s sad, I know. But writing’s in my soul. And though it DOES matter that I can’t find the word inside me to continue with either book I'm currently writing, I know that even if they both remain at a standstill for the time being, this too will pass and the words will come. As these words have come. See?
See me blog.


Fionnuala said...

Debs, Its official. We were separated at birth!
Seriously - I'm with you - In the horrors about whether to continuie with a book I've commited months and thirty thousand words too. But if I'm having doubts...how can I expect someone else to believe in it?

Debs Riccio said...

Sister - I hear you! x

The Pineapple Tart said...

Are least you are both writing books. I am riding and cooking and shopping and reading and....
What I'm not doing is writing.

Debs Riccio said...

Anne, believe me, if I could ride and cook and (enjoy at least) shopping - I'd be doing it instead of writing too (these cursed procrastinationary devices!)

Michele said...

I have to ditto what you said, Debs. I'm writing alot too- texts, comments, FB, yada yada, but I'm not writing what I'm supposed to be writing:(

Trina Rea said...

Oh God, add me to your list. So close to giving up on this writing lark :-( But I'm like an alcoholic, I can't seem to stop even though I know the ending might upset me.


Debs Riccio said...

Girls, d'you think it might be the s.a.d. January blues thing? I just want to find a nice (carpeted, obviously) cave somewhere and curl up for a few weeks. I want to do nought but eat and sleep and not in that order. Writing? I can't remember how to do it and how it fits in with this strange world right now. Thanks for keeping me company. x