Not 'on' to anywhere specifically but just 'away' from some ties that are doing me no mental/physical/emotional good whatsoever apart from keeping the Paracetamol industry in business.
I think... I hope that this move is a Good Move.
Writing has always made me happy. I loved and still do love, the way I can paint a scene, create a life, a story with these funny little plastic keys at the tips of my fingers and since there's been a backspace/ delete/undo button, my life's pretty much complete. But lately writing has been making me far from happy. Not miserable as such. Okay then miserable. Not through any fault of the letters or the words; but through the extraneous constraints that I have allowed to become attached to my creative world.
This Blogging malarkay is also not something I thought I'd ever be doing. I'm not a great social butterfly and so social media wasn't ever intended for somebody like me; I'm too easily bruised by offhand remarks and comments that don't intend to hurt but still find a way of getting under my very delicate skin. I don't want to say that I was coerced into doing it but there were so many bright young things out 'there' that WERE blogging and making it look so easy and such fun, that I didn't want to be left out. And I thought it might increase my writing profile. Whatever that's supposed to mean.
I was thrilled when I was asked if I'd like to join the panel of Writers on Strictly Writing. I felt like I'd been 'spotted', 'discovered', 'found'. But 2 years on I'm still struggling to find something uplifting and enthusiastic to say about writing in general and MY writing more specifically and I realise it wasn't quite the Grail I thought it was. Hence my farewell post today.
Facebook and Twitter are other things that can thoroughly depress me, and I don't think it'll be long before I back away from those completely too. Twitter I've never enjoyed to be honest as it gives me the 'playground' heebie-jeebies and I never feel I have anything productive to contribute; I worry I'll be ignored if I just turn up and let loose a random 40 word comment.
On Facebook I have surrounded myself with people ('friends' if you like) who are writers. This also depresses me. By watching their successes, my own non-success becomes way more noticeable and it actually properly hurts like a stab in the heart every time I read of one. This is not good for me.
I wonder if I'll ever find my niche. I remember my Tutor from the London School of Writing (yes, I started that aged 18 and didn't get beyond Lesson 9 I think - I even borrowed £300 for it which was a MASSIVE committment at that age) telling me that I'd have to tailor my writing to fit a suitable market. But I didn't want to. I suppose even then I knew that I didn't want to write for anybody else, didn't want to be governed by constraints and I suppose if I'd remembered that a little earlier, then I wouldn't have spent the past 10 years beating myself up about nobody wanting to publish my books. They're unmarketable. Years ago I'd have taken that as an insult. Now I'm not so sure.
Here, have a Jazz-Hands Kitten. |
Kudos to you Debs for stepping back and giving yourself some space.
At the risk of sounding all Pollyanna-ish, look at all the books you've written, agent or not. That takes talent, graft and determination. And I'm willing to bet Good Things will happen now you've taken the pressure off yourself.
In fact I'm willing to bet Jazz Hands Kitteh on it:)
Unfortunately Debs, these days if you want to become a published writer, you have to write what the publishers say will sell, but they're not always right. I think you're doing the right thing for you and as Lane said, the moment you take the pressure off, the more enjoyable it will become again.
Lane, bless you thanks, the relief of letting it go is palpable - altogether now OOOooooofffffffff!
Debs, I know, I've had enough pandering to 'trends' and markets and doing what others think I should be doing to get published. It's enjoying the writing that's the best part; publishing be damned :)
Hi Debs - I subscribe to the Strictly Writing blog, and your link brought me here. I know most authors identify with your current frame of mind at some time in their writing lives. Self doubt and insecurity is our stock in trade and most of us want to sit in our dark corners and write - not yell 'read me' on FB and stick our 'babies' under everyone's nose and risk them being called ugly!
We have all been there, truly, and some are stil there - but so-called success or not, you are a writer and that's you. Don't fight it, wallow and enjoy it for what it is. Your blog is insightful and entertainng, so your books must be!
Oh Anita what a lovely thing to say. Now I want 'insightful and entertaining' to be the by-line on my books! :)
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